Archive | October, 2014

Jacken DeBox and Sunrise

22 Oct

What I love most about colors is you can mix them in amazing gradients. My latest work, which was completed just before my 30-day trial on Adobe Illustrator expired, shows a nicely silhouetted Jacken in the foreground watching the sun rise. If this doesn’t prove how creative and artistic I really am, I don’t know what does.

Jacken Sunrise

Jacken Sunrise

October 2014

8 Oct

What I have here is an update to the picture I made to remind my family and friends of the team my mother formed before her passing away: Team Brenda.


CJ's Team Brenda Support


CJ's Team Brenda Support 2.0

Notice how bright the colors are? I even removed the shadows to make the file smaller. And if you’re wondering why there’s a big open space on the left, I tried to make this picture a cover photo on my Facebook page.