Archive | September, 2014


25 Sep

Recently, I got hooked on a Lego franchise consisting of odd-looking creatures you can mix together any way you want. It’s called ‘Mixels.’ I checked out both websites ( and and boy, there sure was a lot of creativity that brought out the world of Mixels! Currently, there are a total of nine tribes with three Mixels per tribe: Infernites, Cragsters, Electroids (Series 1) Frosticons, Fang Gang, Flexers (Series 2) Glorp Corp, Spikels, Wiztastics (Series 3) When you put three Mixels from the same tribe together, you get a Max. And then there are ‘Nixels,’ puny yet pesky pests whose intentions are to prevent Mixels from mixing. The voice actors involved are the ones you may or may not recognize. The first Mixels I purchased are two Cragsters and two Flexers. I have Seismo (the Tom Kenny Cragster), Shuff (the Jess Harnell Cragster), Tentro (the Phil LaMarr Flexer), and Balk (the Billy West Flexer). Seismo and Shuff were the only series 1 Mixels I managed to get from the Lego store in Downtown Disney in Anaheim, so I had to resort to getting the rest of the series 1 Mixels from Right now, I have Krader (a David P. Smith Cragster) being delivered to me. The package should arrive next week. In the meantime, here are some pictures I took of the Seismo/Tentro and Shuff/Balk mixes!


ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

2 Sep

Here’s a little something I recently made regarding the ALS awareness craze. What better way to take the challenge than with a fictional character with, if you’ll pardon the pun, nerves of steel?

TT IBC 2014